Contributor Dr Nancy Mazur's Journey into Homeo...
My first experience of homeopathy happened in 1979, as I was just about to begin my 4 years at Naturopathic College. I organized a small get together with other new...
Contributor Dr Nancy Mazur's Journey into Homeo...
My first experience of homeopathy happened in 1979, as I was just about to begin my 4 years at Naturopathic College. I organized a small get together with other new...
Shelley Keneipp - Contributor Story
This section of our blog is dedicated to all homeopathic stories. We'll start with those of how some of our contributors got involved with homeopathy and then add in readers...
Shelley Keneipp - Contributor Story
This section of our blog is dedicated to all homeopathic stories. We'll start with those of how some of our contributors got involved with homeopathy and then add in readers...