Homeopathy Primer Affiliate Program
Share homeopathy with the world . . . while supporting homeopathy* and making a little money for you or your organization too!
If you love this amazing book and want to share it with others, you can support the 12 US homeopathic associations (listed below)* while ALSO making some money for yourself!
If you already have an existing email list such as an association or company, someone interested in starting a homeopathy study group, warrior moms and dads looking to get friends and family on board with homeopathy, or anyone wanting to spread the word about homeopathy, consider joining our affiliate program.
Per Sale Commission
When you sell a book, you will receive 5% of the selling price. If the book is purchased at retail price of $88 US, you would receive $4.40 US per book!
All you need to do is put your affiliate link and/or a picture of the book cover with your link embedded on your website where online buyers can click through to purchase the book from this website.
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Your Benefits
30 Day Cookie
If someone visits your website and clicks through to ours, we maintain a 30 day cookie so if they come back within 30 days to buy, you still get credit for the sale. (Compare this to Amazon that has a 24 hour cookie!)
30 Day Payout We pay commissions (over $100) on the first of every month, 30 days after the commission is earned. If you have earned less than $100, we will await payment until $100 is reached. We pay out via check (US affiliates only) or through PayPal (required for international affiliates).
Custom Affiliate Link
Once your affiliate application is approved, you will receive a link to our affiliate center. There you will find your affiliate link and book cover images needed to get started. You can also track your sales there. Your success is our success so let us know how we can help you.
OR Your Own Buyer's Code
If you don’t have a website but can share the book through other means, we can provide you with a special code to give your buyers for use during check out. The code tracks back to you and you receive affiliate commissions. We can also offer special discount coupon codes for your buyers if you'd like to provide a special purchase incentive. Contact us to learn more.
*Your Efforts Support Homeopathy
Although Homeopathy Educator LLC is a for-profit entity, excess yearly revenues from the sale of this book, after reasonable expenses, will be donated equally among these 12 existing homeopathic associations in the United States.
1. Â Â Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy (AVH) https://theavh.org
2. Â Â Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America (ACHENA) Â Â Â https://achena.org/refresh/Â
3. Â Â American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (AAHP) https://www.theaahp.org
4. Â Â American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH) https://homeopathyusa.org
5. Â Â Americans for Homeopathy Choice (AFC) https://homeopathychoice.org/
6. Â Â Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC) https://www.homeopathicdirectory.com
7. Â Â Free and Healthy Children International (FHCI) https://freeandhealthychildren.org/Â
8. Â Â Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (HANP) https://hanp.net
9.  Homeopathic Nurses Association (HNA) https://www.nursehomeopaths.org
10. Homeopaths Without Borders (HWB) https://www.hwbna.org
11. National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) https://homeopathycenter.org/Â
12. North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) https://homeopathy.org